Atlanta Constitution Building —1950's. Lane Brothers Commercial Photographers Photographic Collection, 1920-1976. Photograph courtesy of the Georgia State University Library Digital Collections.
The mission of the Atlanta Preservation Center is to promote the preservation of Atlanta’s architecturally, historically and culturally significant buildings, neighborhoods and landscapes through education and advocacy.
Your Involvement Is Why These Integral Atlanta Buildings Have Been Preserved
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Our organization is only as good as our membership and sponsors. Become a part of our exciting efforts to expand the examination of preservation beyond what has been to become a way of thinking for a sustainable and better informed future.
Through partnerships with citizens, corporations, and government organizations we seek to save Atlanta's cultural heritage from demolition.
Adaptive Reuse, Recycled Materials, Repurposed Spaces, Repairs . . . Preservation is a thoughtful way of life with a focus on sustainability and a more informed future through learning from the past.
We partner with local schools ranging in levels from pre-school to post-graduate university programs. We also offer corporate education programs as well as residential restoration resources.

“The greenest building is . . . one that is already built.”
— Carl Elefante // The National Trust for Historic Preservation